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George Calleja (Christian Author / Podcaster) - 023 - Human Rights

11/08/23 • 44 min

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This Christian Podcast by the Christian Author George Calleja includes the following:

Reflection: Human rights

In today’s world we often hear about human rights and human dignity. Most of the news items we watch on social media treat the subject of human rights and human dignity constantly. But what is, in simple terms, the meaning of human rights and human dignity?

The United Nations defines human rights as follows: ‘Human rights are rights we have simply because we exist as human beings - they are not granted by any state. These universal rights are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. They range from the most fundamental - the right to life - to those that make life worth living, such as the rights to food, education, work, health, and liberty.’ This book will not go into the issue if such human rights are truly safeguarded by all nations or if not, why.

It is worth keeping in mind, however, that millions of people still find it hard to have food to eat, and especially to have healthy and nutritious food to eat. This world still finds it hard to provide the proper education for our children, youths, and ongoing education to adults. Unemployment is still a big issue all over the world, bringing social problems and mental issues to the unemployed and their families. We can still see how the health system especially within the third world countries is not up to a standard, causing millions of people to get sick, and eventually die at a young age, forgotten by all. Freedom is still problematic in countries controlled by non-democratic governments. In some countries, the rights of human beings are still a long way to go. Such lack of human rights places these human beings in the peripheries of society, in the darkest alleys of life.

Song: Too Busy

Reggie Love Music


[email protected]

Book Reading; Her Silence

(Chapter 4 - Silence in the Old Testament- pages 33 to 36)

This book is available from:



Barnes & Noble:




Song: Grace over me

Mike Geo (Artist)






[email protected]

Special Guest Speaker: Larry D. Davis (Christian Author)


[email protected]

Bible Study: Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Do you trust God in your life?

Have you ever realized that on trusting Him, God fills you with joy and peace?

Also, upon trusting God, He overflows you with hope!

You really need a lot of hope to face the challenges in life. So trust in Him.

God Bless you and take care,

George ...

11/08/23 • 44 min

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